
国際審判員が守るべき心得として、国際テニス連盟(ITF)は以下の15項目を『CODE FOR OFFICIALS』として挙げています。officialとは、審判員のことです。


1)Officials must be in good physical condition.
2)Officials must have natural or corected vision of 20-20, Snellen visual acuity 6/6 or 1.0 and normal hearing.
3)Officials must be on time for all matches assigned to them.
4)Officials must study, understand and master the Rules of Tennis and all Tournament Regulations and Code of Conduct for events in which they are officiating.
5)Officials should dress and maintain their appearance in a manner befitting the dignity and integrity of the Game.
6)Officials may not any alcoholic drinks before thier match on the day they are to officiate.
7)Officials shall not officiate in any match in which the official has a relationship with one of the players that might be considered a conflict of interest so as to cast doubt upon his/her impartiality.
Not only is a bona fide conflict of interest prohibited, but the mere appearance of such a conflict will render an official unsuitable for such an assignment.
8)Officials should upon request discuss with players interpretation of Rules and ways to improve officiating and player conduct.
9)Officials shall not socialise with or become intimate with players.
Officials, however, are not prohibited from staying in the same hotels as players or from attending social functions at which players may be present.
10)Officials shall not criticise or attempt to explain calls or decisions by other officials to anyone other than those officials directly, the ITF Supervisor/Referee or the ITF Administrator of Officiating.
11)Officials may not bet anything in any manner in connection with any tennis event.
12)Officials shall not, except in the ordinary course of controlling the crowd during a match, converse with the crowd before, during or after a match.
13)Officials shall not participate in a media interview or meeting with a journalist where his/her statements relating to tennis officiating can be printed or broadcast without the approval of the ITF Supervisor/Referee.
14)Officials shall at all times maintain complete impartiality with respect to all players and shall not enter into any relationship or take any action that casts doubt on his/her impartiality as a tennis official.
15)Officials shall at all times conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner and give due regard to the authority of the ITF Supervisor/Referee, court officials, tournament personnel, players and the public.
ITFの初級者用Officials Handbookの巻末には、次のような結びの言葉がある。

・Always abide by the ITF's "Code for Officials".

・Keep learning - from evaluations.
- from watching other umpiers.

・Work, Work, Work - it is experience that makes the official.

Good luck with your officiating career!


男子プロ選手協会(ATP)のルールブック(The ATP Tour Official Rulebook)の審判のページにも"CODE FOR OFFICIALS"が、そしてアメリカテニス協会(USTA)が発行するルールブック(Friend at Court)の裏表紙にも同様の"THE OFFICIAL'S CODE OF CONDUCT"が載っています。原文を掲げておこう。


a)Good physical condition;
b)Natural or corrected vision of 20-20 and normal hearing;
c)Being on time for all matches assigned to them;
d)Comprehension of the Rules and Regulations of the Tour and the Rules of Tennis;
e)Maintenance of appearance and personal hygiene;
f)Abstinence from alcoholic beverages for twelve(12) hours before their match on the day they are to officiate or at any time on-site while play is in progress or while the official is in uniform;
g)Impartiality in officiating a match, including withdrawing from a match in which the official has a relationship with one of the players that might be considered a conflict of interest. Appearance of a conflict shall render an official unsuitable for assignment unless approved by the Supervisor. Officials shall not socialize with or become intimate with players. Officials, however, are not prohibited from staying in the same hotels as players or from attending social functions at which players may be present;
h)No criticisms or attempts to explain calls or decisions by other officials;
i)No wagers on any tennis event;
j)No conversations with the crowd, except in the course of controlling the crowd during a match;
k)No media interviews without the approval of the Supervisor;
l)Professional and ethical conduct including giving due regard to the players and the authority of the Supervisor, court officials, Tournament personnel and the public. Additionally, designated officials must be cognizant that they also represent the Tour;
m)All Tournament-related requests from officials must be made through the Supervisor rather than going directly to the Tournament Director or staff;
n)Commitment to each event an official works until released by the Supervisor.


1)Wear the official USTA uniform unless otherwise designated by a tournament contract.
2)Be prompt for all assignment.
3)Not socialize with or become intimate with the players.(Officials are not prohibited from staying in the tournament hotel or from attending social functions where players may be present.)
4)Not accept assignments to any match in which the official has a conflict of interest and may cast doubt upon his impartiality.
Not only is a bona fide conflict of interest prohibited, but the appearance of such conflict causes the assignment to be unacceptable.
5)Not solicit specific assignments in tournaments.
6)Not accept an assignment at one event and then withdraw from that assignment in favor of another event.
7)Not be interviewed by the media without permission of the referee or his designate.
8)Not publicly criticize other officials.
9)Not bet on anything concerning a tennis event in which he is involved.
10)Not converse with spectators while on the court.
11)Not request favors of special considerations from a tournament sponsor.
12)Not use title or position to abuse the rules, or influence others to do so.
13)Not consume alcoholic beverages, take drugs or medication that will inhibit performance before his assignment ends or while in uniform.
14)Cooperate with the efforts of officials committees appointed by the National Chairman.
15)Not take photographs of players while in uniform nor at any time request player autographs.
16)Conduct himself in a professional, ethical manner.

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